Saturday, August 21, 2010


I'm on Little Cranberry Island in Maine. My cellphone isn't getting reception up here. I guess I could check to see if I have messages on the landline, but I'd much rather spend my time picking blackberries, riding in the back of pickup trucks, and wanting to forsake my worldly possessions and live here forever.

I got up to 4 things.

1. Picking blackberries and eating blackberries
2. Riding in the back of pick up trucks
3. Eating lobster
4. Memorizing the presidents. I know them all! Let's see if I retain any it in a week.

Presidential names that are funny: Grover Cleveland, Zachary Taylor, and William Howard Taft. Grover Cleveland is an improv name, and Zachary Taylor and William Howard Taft sound like child stars from Home Improvement.

My picture is in New York Magazine this week. It makes me feel both nervous and grateful, and that's a new combination for me. It's kinda how I felt the first time I tried bubble tea. On Thursday, I get on a plane for Los Angeles with no return flight. I'm a mixed bag of emoticons on that, too.

Maine, you smell nice.

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