Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ahmadinejad Goes to DeVry!

A couple days ago, New York went nuts because the President of Iran stopped by Columbia and said crazy shit like "Iran doesn't have gay people" and "Owls have thumbs." I wrote an article for Black20 about a lesser known visit he made - a trip to DeVry!

For those of you who don't know, DeVry is an accredited "university" that advertises all over the place - commercials, billboards, subway cars, bathroom walls, etc. They seem to have over 9 million locations in New York City alone, and you can get your PhD in like 2 months. You don't even have to show up.

Anyway, here's how my article starts. You're welcome.

After making a controversial appearance at Columbia University and addressing the U.N. General Assembly, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad showed up at New York City's DeVry University. Fortunately for Black20, I was there to get a first hand look at this historic visit. I was also there because I'm trying to earn my Bachelors Degree in Network Systems Administration so I can get a better job to support my kids. It should take me 3 to 4 weeks.

Ahmadinejad and his entourage-ejad entered the university expecting fanfare, paparazzi, and a barrage of questions about his ethics. However the students and faculty at DeVry didn't quite recognize him. One of the teachers asked me if he was "the dude who plays Sayid on Lost", I said no, informed him of his identity, and in that time, earned my associates in Health Information Technology.

With the help of an Iranian translator, President Mahmoud Ahammasomething spoke to a small group about his practices of public executions, his denial of the holocaust, and his overall disrespect for humanity. At the end of the assembly, the audience booed and hissed. Not because of the President's remarks, but because they thought they were attending a seminar about Accounting and Financial Management.

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