Monday, November 29, 2010

Back to LA

I don't like that I paid $7.99 to get online at the airport. Especially since I can go online on my phone. It makes me feel like a chump. One day, there will be an uprising. Free the Internet.

Dear magazines of the world. More cats on the front cover please. I still probably won't buy your magazine, but I'll definitely take a picture of it. Cats do not photograph well. Has anyone ever made this observation? Nope, I'm first.

The Delta terminal at JFK is home to lots of sparrows. If I was a bird, I'd like to live here.

On the plane. There is a screaming child behind me and a smug 9-year-old next to me with a gigantic leather purse and an iPad. She's playing Veggie Samurai and it's like she's not even trying. Silent misdirected rage!

We're going back to the gate so a sick passenger can 'De-plane". So far 4 people have gotten on the PA and said the word "deplane". Everybody needs to stop saying deplane. Just say "get off the plane". Holy shit. The next person who gets on the PA and says deplane gets an eye roll.

Someone bring me a soda and a tall stack of cat magazines.


Jenny, the Bloggess said...

I was just reading about the VMK wigs and suddenly my page refreshed and there was an angry holiday cat glaring at me accusingly. It was disconcerting. Can I call it a Christmas cat or do I have to call it a "holiday cat" in case it's Jewish? These are the questions that keep me up at night.

So thanks for that.

Elaine Carroll said...

you are welcome