Sunday, September 5, 2010

I can tell that we are gonna be friends.

My hair is orange in this picture because my mom tried dying it blond and it turned orange. It was like this for most of 4th grade. The red on my lips is probably from a popsicle.

This is one of my favorite childhood pictures, but that wasn't always the case. It was taken to commemorate my participation in St. Mary's talent show. I think I wore this in the dance number "Opposites Attract". I remember the woman who took this picture was annoyed and stressed out and seemed particularly agitated by the fact that I showed up looking sloppy and dirty, which is how I always looked. She was particularly disgusted by my dirty white moccasins and navy blue socks. She folded the black fabric over my feet to hide them. If I knew then what I know now, I would have told her to relax.

For many years, this picture was crumbled up in a ball in the bottom drawer of my desk. Now it's on the internet. Goodbye shame!

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