Sunday, October 24, 2010

There is nothing better than a long list of band names from the internet.

Jujube Shareholder
The Macao
Slaw Haggadist
The Dy
Unbreathable Yukaghir
Air Shed
Therapeutic Abortion Transfinite
Camp Fire Boy Center Back
The Ryked
Kef Misbelieve
Tapsters Open-Heart Surgery
Ceorl Illegitimate
The Lee
Doping Madagascar
Bin Golden Eagle
Disappointments Execrations
The Delimitation
Hypolimnion Vela
The Disassociating
The Reerecting
Sitter Baleen Whale
Portray Runnel
Habergeons Serpentines
Scones Renovate
The Bromides
The Hyacinth
The Shoemaker
Winches Richard Ii
The Chimera

Found here.

Yeah this tab will stay open for a while.

This is an email I got today. My purpose in life is to make alienated gay kids laugh.

oh my goodness....

can i just please say
your videos are hysterical!

me and my bestfriends first stumbled upon
your videos during our senior year of high school
but then you dissappeared and we were heartbroken,
but still super obsessed with MARY KATE EUNUCH TROLL FACE OLSEN!
(i would write my name as JOSHUA EUNUCH TROLL FACE OLSEN)
and i turned it in on a physics test like that and i got a bonus point for having the best name!
and we made matching t-shirts... ill try to email the photo.

and as soon as i saw your videos were back,
i called my best friends (we are all at different universities now)
thank you for giving us a reason to laugh.
i dont think youre capable of understanding how much your videos mean to me
(in a non-creepy way)
i had a lot of family shenanigans going on,
(my parents kicked me out because i told them i was gay)
but despite the hardship, i knew your videos could always make me laugh.

i truly appreciate all the hard work you put into them.
stay fabulous.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

October 2009

This time, last year. Took a bunch of these. Sam's camera.

This past week I improvised with Larry David and went on a thousand auditions. Well, 4 but, it felt, well, I mean. I liked improvising a lot and it made me wish I did it more. If anyone wants to put me on a practice group, yes. Also I'm back on a Maude team. Also VMK is doing well. All of this is great and makes me feel happy and blessed. Gratitude.

The first time I came to California, I was in 2nd grade. Dad had a business trip to Palm Springs, which was rare since he's in the cookie business and mostly traveled to places like Iowa. He took the whole family. It was my second time traveling via airplane. I remember the family couldn't sit together for some reason. I remember being floored at how brave my sister was, volunteering to sit by herself. The first morning I woke up in California it was literally like Dorothy throwing open the door to Munchkin Land. After Palm Springs we went up to Lake Tahoe for some skiing. Sue and I kept calling it Lake Taco because that's hilarious.

I wish I could Skype with Mr. Hammers. Sometimes I want 5 kids and sometimes I want ZERO in all caps. No middle ground there.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My dad will just go ahead and call something fascist to get the ball rolling.

His statements don't necessarily reflect what he really believes. He just likes a good conversation.

Recent fascists:

I will update this list as it grows.